Tennis Elbow

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Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) is an inflammation of the wrist extensor tendons, which occurs due to repetitive overuse. The wrist extensor muscles are located in the forearm and the tendons attach just above the elbow on the outside of the arm. Symptoms of lateral epicondylitis are:

  • Pain in the forearm/elbow, and/or

  • Weakness with activities such as turning a door knob, gripping objects and/or holding onto a cup

Common causes of tennis elbow are repetitive computer use with typing, participating in racket sports, painting, gripping and occurs commonly in occupations that involve repetitive arm and hand movements such as cooks, carpenters, plumbers, and painters.

The 3 exercises below are great for relieving pain in the forearm. It is important to stretch the tight wrist extensor muscles, as well as working on strengthening the muscles to improve the load tolerance.

  1. To stretch the wrist extensors, keep your arm straight and using your opposite hand, grab just below the wrist and bring your hand down until you feel a stretch in the forearm. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds, repeating 2x/day. 

  2. To begin eccentric strengthening using a light 2-3 lbs weight, have your arm supported on a table with a weight in your hand. Slowly lower your hand down, then use your opposite hand to bring your hand back up. This exercise helps to strengthen by lengthening the muscles. Repeat this exercises 2 sets of 10, daily.

  3. Towel twists are great for strengthening the wrist extensor muscles and working on some grip strength. Roll up a towel and pretend to wring out a towel. Repeating 2-3 sets of 15, daily.

If these stretches aren’t helping, contact us to schedule an appointment with one of our physiotherapists.