Pelvic Health Physiotherapy Online Assessments and Follow-ups

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Embody Health Centre is now offering virtual Pelvic Health Assessments and Follow-ups!

Have you been experiencing chronic low back pain? Urinary leakage with coughing, laughing or jumping, or after having an urgency sensation? Pelvic pain or discomfort with physical activity, or with sexual intercourse? Are you currently pregnant and experiencing pain in your low back or pelvic area? Or a new mom who has given birth in the last few months and is hoping to get back into running and/or working out? 

Chat with our Pelvic Health Physiotherapist Jessica who is available for online assessments and follow-ups. Our online assessments involve discussing your current symptoms and medical history, assessing the mobility of your low back and hips, education on tips and techniques to reduce your pain/discomfort, and a demonstration of exercises to perform at home. You will also receive an email copy of your home exercise program. All you need is a laptop or tablet with a webcam, and a space to perform the exercises.

To book an appointment, head to our website and select virtual physiotherapy sessions, or send an email to Please feel free to contact us by email if you have any questions or concerns.