Tips for Preventing Running Injuries

Tips to Prevent Running Injuries - Embody Health Centre Waterloo.jpg

With the start of the warm weather, trails have been busy with runners, walkers and cyclists. Whether you're a novice or experienced runner, the following tips are important to keep in mind to help prevent running injuries.

1. Proper warm up and cool down:

Dynamic stretches before running and static stretches after, are important to prevent muscle tension and strain.

2. Stay hydrated:

Drinking water or drinks with electrolytes before and after running is necessary to fuel the body, and prevent dehydration.

3. Ease into your run:

Start off with a slower speed and gradually increase as your body warms up to the pace you’re comfortable with.

4. Gradually increase your distance:

If you’re new to running, it’s important to gradually increase your distance over time. Don’t expect to be able to run 5k right from the beginning. Gradual progression over time will prepare the body to handle training stress. A basic rule to aim for is increasing your distance by 5-10% per week.

5. Wear the correct type of running shoe for you:

Not all running shoes are meant for everyone. It’s important to pick the right shoe that is comfortable for you. Speak with a representative in the athletic footwear section to figure out which shoe is your best fit.

6. Improve and maintain your flexibility:

Daily stretching is important to improve mobility and flexibility, which will aid in enhancing performance and prevent injury. Whether you’re standing or sitting at a desk all day at work, our muscles will shorten and tighten from being in a stationary position. Spending 5-10 minutes a day stretching your entire body will improve flexibility.  

7. Incorporate strength training into your routine:

Having adequate strength of key muscle groups is important to prevent injury. Running is a single leg sport, therefore strength training, especially single leg exercises, are very important to improve performance and prevent injuries. Stay tuned for single leg exercises every runner should be doing!

8. See a Physiotherapist or Massage Therapist:

Physiotherapists are specialists in movement of the human body. They are great at assessing the mobility of different joints, muscle length tension, and strength of various muscles. Physiotherapists will also analyze your gait, which contributes to your running pattern. To prevent injury, have an assessment done with a Physiotherapist to ensure that proper mobility and strength of key muscle groups are optimal for safe and injury-free running.

Massage therapists are a great resource for tight muscles. It is important to address muscle tension before you continue to run. Muscle tightness can lead to further strain and injury.

9. Run with good posture:

Keep an eye on your body mechanics as you’re running. Torso should be straight, lower back not arched and head directly over shoulders. Having poor posture when running can lead to stress and strain of the low back and knees. Practice good upright posture throughout the day, and perform strengthening exercises for the core and back extensors.

10. Listen to your body:

If you’re feeling run down or sluggish, it’s best to skip training that day. Muscle fatigue and overtraining are risk factors leading to injury. Rest days are key for recovery.

Looking to book an appointment with one of our Physiotherapists or Massage Therapists? Click here to book, or e-mail if you have any further questions or concerns.